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I'm back.. and I'm ready for some DOCTOR WHO!

What's an Ostrich to do... well, what's a purple anthropomorphic foul mouthed smoking heavy drinking Ostrich puppet that lives with 2 homosexual men and a black labrador to do... wow my fucking vocabulary has grown in the last few years hasn't it... ere... OY! SQUAAK! Etc. So here's the thing.... my old beloved Doctor Who blog I started, 9 fucking years ago (!) is still there but fuck me if I can get back into it. Blame fucking google, blogger, hotmail, whoever, they've all been buying and selling each other and in the process none of the fuckers will let me back into my account. What a fucking joke! But fear not beloved pilgrims and Whomosexuals, all is not lost, for I will be transferring my content across to this new blog! In 9 years I managed to get through, *counts*, four whopping serials, comprising a total of TWENTY episodes of Doctor Who of which the total episodes at present are... err.. more than 850. So chances of getting through them all in the next

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Episodes 21 - 26: Doctor Who and the Rubber Fetish People

Episodes 14-20: Marco's Pole